Library Hopping in Oxford
To celebrate the release of A Face Like Glass in paperback, I spent Friday 1st March visiting libraries in Oxford, ably abetted by Sally Oliphant from Macmillan.
First I dropped in on Oxford’s Central Library, where I talked to Year 6 of St. Ebbe’s Primary in the Living Room. They listened very patiently despite all having to sit on the floor at my feet.
After a very tasty fried breakfast at the Art Cafe, we headed to Cowley, where I met with classes from St Christopher’s C of E Primary in the friendly, cheerful Children’s section of Cowley Library.
Thanks to Oxfordshire Libraries for inviting me, Sally Oliphant for being an organisational whirlwind, and the students of St Ebbes and St Christopher’s for coming up with so many cunning questions.
Most thought-provoking question: “Will you ever set a story in the future, or will you keep writing books set in the past?”
Answer: I’m a lot more comfortable with a historical setting than a futuristic one. But who knows? Perhaps one day. I do like trying new things.
Favourite comment of the day: “I don’t think you could write a fluffy bunny story.”
Answer: It’s a fair cop. Even if I started a book with pink bunnies going on a picnic, twists, turns and mysteries would creep into the story in spite of my best efforts. And then there’d be a murder…